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No one ever accused Joe Biden of being stingy with the taxpayers’ money. His reckless spending has sent us spiraling past $30 trillion in debt.

And what Biden just blew billions on will leave your head spinning.

Joe Biden’s administration is dead set on bankrupting the United States. They won’t be happy until every American is begging for government assistance.

Whether it’s record high inflation or doubling the size of the IRS to milk the taxpayer for every cent they have, Joe Biden has made it clear he doesn’t care about the average American.

But nothing made this clearer than his policies at the southern border.

Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border without so much as an encounter with border patrol.

When you factor in those who’ve been released in the U.S. by immigration officials and the “getaways” who slipped past, over 2.2 million have been let loose in America over the past year and a half.

And this is costing the taxpayer a pretty penny. A new study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has calculated that the new influx of illegals will cost $20.4 billion.

That doesn’t count the $140 billion taxpayers are already shelling out to illegal immigrants in the country.

The report lists different options for what we could pay for instead of supporting lawbreakers. Here are a few of our favorites:

  1. $50k/year to every homeless veteran for 10 years.
  2. A $410 grocery voucher to every family earning less than $50k year.
  3. Construction of the entire wall at the southern border.

“Even in an age in which trillion dollar spending packages and are considered modest, the additional $20.4 billion the Biden Border Crisis has heaped onto the backs of American taxpayers is still staggering,” Dan Stein, president of FAIR, said in a statement. “$20.4 billion could address some very important needs of the American public, instead of covering the costs of the surge of illegal migration triggered by this administration’s policies.”

This damning report comes on the heels of Kamala Harris claiming the southern border is secure.

“I think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and I asked Congress to do, the first request we made: pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship,” Harris declared on “Meet the Press.”

“The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed,” she continued.

So not only are they saying we need to reward millions of illegal immigrants with citizenship for breaking our laws, but she’s also blaming Donald Trump for the border crisis.

How delusional do you have to be to blame the man who wanted to secure the border with a wall and deport lawbreakers for your own administration’s failures?

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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