CNN just made one outrageous claim that left everyone laughing
The mainstream media has been running cover for Biden’s blunders since he’s taken office. They’re constantly redefining everything in the dictionary to save face for Biden.
But CNN’s latest lie has been exposed for all to see.
It’s no secret that mainstream media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and NPR have been in bed with the Democrat party for decades.
And now CNN is being dragged by critics after CNN Business senior writer Chris Isidore argued that since gas prices have dropped from record average highs, people should be thanking Biden for this “unexpected form of economic stimulus.”
“Next time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise,” he told readers.
It didn’t take long for Twitter users to drag Isidore for his disingenuous take on high gas prices.
Rep. Kelly Armstrong, R-S. Dak., destroyed the CNN writer saying, “Gas was $2.39 a gallon when @POTUS took office. It is $3.92 now. Next on @CNN arsonist gets medal for helping fight fire he started.”
Daily Wire reporter Virginia Kruta to Isidore to task, tweeting, “This is like the jewelry store that triples their prices before advertising a 50%-off super blowout sale. Imagine being stupid enough to not only believe you’re saving money but to actively shill for the gaslighters.”
And Republican strategist Matt Whitlock posed this question to Isidore: “if your employer slashes your pay $200 but then gives you $100 back are you calling that a raise?”
@chrisidore if your employer slashes your pay $200 but then gives you $100 back are you calling that a raise?
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) August 19, 2022
It should surprise no one that CNN and others in the mainstream media are making excuses for Biden’s train-wreck of a presidency.
They know if the Left’s radical agenda is exposed to the American people, it’ll be a bloodbath for Democrats this November.