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One of Biden’s biggest areas of failure has to be his foreign policy. Even Democrats agree that his foreign policy has been downright awful.

And it’s getting worse. Because President Biden was just mocked on the world stage in this stunning video.

About a week ago was the anniversary of President Biden’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

He and his administration hastily left leaving billions of dollars in U.S. military equipment and Americans at risk of retaliation by terrorists.

The botched Afghanistan pullout truly started to tank Biden’s approval ratings, and they haven’t recovered since.

Now, the major foreign policy failure has been brought back to the attention of Americans.

According to the reports, the Taliban recently celebrated the Biden administration’s colossal failure by parading in front of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.

The Taliban also lit off fireworks and demonstratively bragged about taking over the region since the Afghan failure one year ago.

Afghanistan had long been a disaster in the hands of George Bush and Barack Obama.

Donald Trump was given a mess, and tried to make the very best of it he could. Though some conservatives say he didn’t do quite enough during his time in office to safely pull out.

Then Biden comes along and hastily pulls our troops and has no idea what he’s doing.

He blames Donald Trump, but it’s been a mess 20 years in the making.

On top of that, Biden left billions of dollars of equipment for the terrorists to do with it what they please.

This political embarrassment is likely a stain on his administration he can’t rid himself of.

The Taliban are celebrating Biden’s incompetence, make no mistake about it.

It’s hard to imagine any foreign threat performing any such demonstration in front of a U.S. Embassy with a President like Donald Trump in office.

There’s no doubt that he carried a serious sense of strength about him that foreign powers didn’t want to mess with.

Biden on the other hand, seems like he has no idea what’s going on at any point, so he couldn’t possibly demonstrate strength.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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