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Joe Biden has made it clear he won’t tolerate any dissent. But no one was expecting it to result in bloodshed.

But Biden’s war on “MAGA Republicans” just had its first casualty.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been demonizing Donald Trump and his supporters from the beginning of his campaign.

They jumped on every little thing he said or did and twisted it in a sad attempt to portray the former president as racist, sexist, and violently unstable.

Of course, anyone who paid attention and didn’t lap up the propaganda being spewed by MSNBC, CNN, and the like saw right through their lies.

But that didn’t stop the legacy media from blaming Trump for any violence in the country whether it was from his supporters or not.

Who can forget when Left-wing personalities called Trump a murderer after a psychopathic neo-Nazi – who Trump denounced! – ran down a Leftist with his car?

In the eyes of Democrats, Trump’s “rhetoric” was directly responsible for that person’s murder, even though President Trump consistently railed against white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

And now the radical Left is eating its words.

If you remember back to the beginning of this month, President Joe Biden made headlines for a fiery speech that denounced Donald Trump and “MAGA Republicans” as dangerous and radical “extremists.”

In the aftermath, Democrats across the country defended and amplified the president’s message, including U.S. House Representative Tim Ryan who called to “kill and confront” the MAGA movement.

Conservatives were quick to point out the hypocrisy of the Left for crying foul when Trump made mean tweets but defended Joe Biden’s targeting of half of the country.

These genuine concerns were put down as Republican “fear-mongering.” But now Americans are dying.

Earlier this week, a 41-year-old North Dakota man named Shannon Brandt murdered 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson.

When asked why he ran down Ellingson with his car, Brandt made it clear that he killed the young man because he was a “Republican extremist.”

If Democrats want to be consistent, then after committing vehicular homicide, this man should be behind bars and Joe Biden blamed for the death of Cayler Ellingson.

But did you expect that to ever happen in the banana republic we’re living in?

No, of course, Shannon Brandt was released after posting a measly $50,000 bond and now awaits trial. He even had the gall to say he doesn’t understand the charges against him and that proclaiming, “I have a job, a life and a house and things that I don’t exactly want to see go by the wayside — family that are very important to me.”

I’m sure Mr. Ellingson had a family too – one he was ripped away from by a Leftist terrorist.

And for the legacy media’s part, they have run no detailed reports on the murder, downplaying it as a “dispute.”

So, the next time some braindead Democrat screeches at you about political violence supposedly caused by conservatives, be sure to ask them if Cayler Ellingson’s blood is on Joe Biden’s hands.

Be prepared to hear crickets.

Please stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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